Coaches: Unlock The Secrets To Getting More Leads From Google

Coach balancing signs to show ranking high equals more leads on Google Maps

Part 1: Your Kickstart Guide to Ranking On Google Maps

If you’re a coach, you’ve probably realized that the Internet is your most vital tool for finding new customers. However, if your website or landing page isn’t ranking well on Google, you risk being invisible to those who need your services the most.

When potential clients search for services like yours, optimizing your Google Profile can significantly enhance your chances of appearing prominently on Google Maps and local Google searches. On top, people who discover your services through an active search are more likely to convert into loyal customers.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into actionable strategies that can help you rank higher on Google Maps and attract more leads to your coaching business. Let’s get started!


Understanding Google Maps & The Benefits To Ranking High

Google Maps is a powerful platform for local businesses to gain visibility and connect with their target audiences. By appearing high on Google Maps, you will:

  • Boost your online visibility
  • Boost your online credibility
  • Boost customer trust in you and your services


Plus, when you appear higher in search results, more of your IDEAL customers will find you – those customers most actively searching for your specific solution because they are anxious for change NOW. 


Claiming and Completing Your Google Business Listing

If you haven’t yet done so, you’ll first want to sign up for a Google Business Profile. The steps are easy.

  1. Sign into the Google account/Gmail that you’ll want associated to your business
  2. Go to
  3. Follow the prompts to begin the profile creation process
  4. Provide basic details about your coaching business, including your business name, URL, operating hours, and more.
  5. After just a few questions, Google will need to verify your business. They will mail you a postcard to the address you entered in as your business address (it’s OK if that’s your home address). It will take a few days to receive the card and your account will be placed “on hold” until you enter in the verification code on the card you will receive. 


Here are some guidelines for managing your Google Business Listing:

  • If you work from home, and don’t meet clients there, you can register as a “Service Based Business” and select the geographic areas that you service (you can add up to 20 service areas)
  • Be sure to create a document and list out your “NAP” which is your business NAME, Address, Phone Number (and website url) and share that with anyone working with you. You’ll want to document it exactly as you’ve entered it because it’s vital you always enter it in the EXACT SAME WAY and keep it consistent across anywhere you appear online i.e., your local citations (places that allow you to list your business such as local directories), on your social media accounts, on other websites, etc.
  • Keep your information up to date i.e., add your holiday hours and make other updates to things that change in your business.
  • Make sure you upload photos and videos of your business and to help people visually understand what you do and what makes you unique. Authority type images work well for coaches i.e., a picture where you are holding an award or your book or presenting to an audience.
  • Use the best category for your business; this will help ensure that customers find you when they search on Google Maps or Google Search for your specific type of coaching assistance. Please also see below for tips on choosing your business category.


Finding & Using Keywords To Help You Rank

To improve your ranking on Google Maps, knowing your best local keywords and using them is essential. Here’s how to find and optimize your listing with keywords:

  1. Use a keyword research tool or Google Keyword Planner to identify relevant search terms related to your coaching niche and location. The pros to using Google Keyword Planner is that the information is free, real time accurate, easy to use, and will let you see how “marketable” a word is by looking at the top of page ad bids for the word. To be able to use the tool for free, please watch my YouTube video: Use Google Keyword Planner For Free
  2. Incorporate your keywords strategically: Integrate these keywords into your business description, service descriptions, and other relevant sections of your Google business listing.


Optimizing Your Google Business Profile Categories

Your choice of Google Business Profile Categories is very important as it will help Google know when to show your business based on user search. These categories also impact Google’s local search results. 

To ensure that you get the most visibility from your chosen category, make sure it matches the words people are searching for (e.g., don’t use “Coaching Centre” if your main service is “Life Coach”).

As with any marketing, the best thing you can do is use research to find what’s working best for businesses similar to yours, and then regularly test out a new category(ies) and assess the difference it makes to your discoverability results.


Nurturing Positive Online Reviews

Positive reviews not only build trust with potential clients but also impact your ranking on Google Maps. Here’s how to encourage and manage reviews effectively:

  • Ask for reviews from happy clients: Reach out to your clients and ask them to leave a review on your Google Maps listing. Make it easy for them by supplying a direct link to your reviews page.
  • Respond to reviews: Engage with your clients by responding to their reviews, both positive and negative. Show appreciation for positive feedback and address any concerns raised in negative reviews.
  • Don’t post fake reviews, use a paid review service or ask your friends and family to write reviews for you.


Maximize The Features Available On Google Maps

When maximized, your Google Business Profile listing can do the selling for you, 24/7. That’s why it’s very important to include as much information about your business, answer commonly asked questions, and make actions to work with you as easy as possible for potential clients.

For example, you can add call-to-action buttons so that people can click to schedule an appointment or buy a package or contact you with questions. You can also add call to actions to get course sign ups, registrations at an event or downloads of your book. Yes, your Google profile can generate leads and make you a lot of money when done well!


Ninja Marketing Ways To Boost Your Ranking

Lucky for you, your competition is likely not maximizing their Google listings as well as they should be, but just to be safe, there are other things you can do to boost your Google Maps and local rankings even further.

Backlinks: backlinks will not only boost your Google SEO ranking, but your Google Maps ranking as well and enhance your overall online visibility. Here are 3 quick tips to get started with backlinks:

  1. No matter what you’ve heard, guest blogging still works. Guest blogging means reaching out to websites relevant to your industry, writing an article for them and in it linking back to your website or to your Google Business listing (which should be allowed by most publications who accept outside articles). It’s not difficult to find relevant websites or publications dealing with transformational, mindset, wellness, business or other industries in which you may specialize. By offering a detailed overview and UNIQUE, engaging, information for their readers, it will be a WIN WIN scenario. You will also get exposure to a new audience in addition to earning authority backlinks which will help your online authority. Yes, this does take a bit of work to do, but is well worth the effort for the exposure factor alone.
  2. Reach out to businesses and influencers in your local area. Not only will this help strengthen your local reputation, but your online reputation as well, plus you can earn backlinks from your partnership with them. For example, you can hold joint events or training, and ask all businesses that participate to mention you on their websites or social media and link to your website or Google Maps listing.
  3. Get listed on review platforms and local directories. There are dozens of online directories that will allow you to list your business with links back to your website. Here are a few to get you started: Yellow Pages, Yelp, White Pages, Foursquare and AboutUs.


Engage With Your Local Community

Engaging with your local community is not only a great way to gain local visibility but also to enhance your online presence and stand out on local search. Here are three easy ways to engage with your local community:

  1. Sponsor Local Events, Charities or Political Campaigns: Consider sponsoring events, community initiatives, political campaigns or charities in your area that align with your coaching niche. This not only demonstrates your commitment to the local community but also provides opportunities for online exposure. Be sure to ask the event organizers or charities to include your information on their websites, social media, and online promotional materials, to allow you to gain valuable backlinks to your website and Google Maps listing.
  • Host Workshops or Webinars: Organize workshops or webinars on topics related to your coaching service and invite local residents to attend. By hosting these events, you establish yourself as an authority in your field and attract potential clients. Promote your workshops or webinars through your Google Maps listing, social media channels, local community websites or media. You can also include prizes or just ask attendees to share their positive experiences online, and link back to your website or Google listing, to up your visibility and backlinks.
  • Participate in Local Networking Groups: Join local networking groups or associations such as your local business Chamber. These groups often have online directories or member listings that include backlinks to your Google Maps listing or website. By actively engaging in these groups and sharing your knowledge, you’ll not only gain personal credibility but increase your online visibility as well.


By Maximizing Your Google Maps Business Profile, You Will Stand Out And Shine Online

A maximized Google Business will make it easy for customers to find out about you, what makes you stand out and the services you offer that could help.

Did you know that well over half of all mobile searches are related to location? That means that the more you claim and showcase your community and area, not just on your Google profile, but on your website, social media and other online assets, the better Google will associate your business as a legit local business with a high trust score, and thus show you higher in search results.

Based on what you learned above, I want to emphasize that anything you showcase that makes you stand out is a plus for your profile and a plus for attracting customers. In a world now filled with easy to copy and regurgitate information, I’d like you to carefully consider:

  • What sets you apart and how will you get that across online?
  • Why are you the best overall choice?
  • What ultimate transformation can you help your clients achieve that your competition can’t?
  • What benefits does your business bring to your local community?


When you describe your online business from this standpoint, you will not only rank higher, but you’ll also attract ideal clients to you.

Google Maps Ranking Strategies Can Be Easy!

As you can see, the strategies you need to do to rank on Google Maps can be easy!  But this is just Part One. Be happy because there’s even more you can do to secure your top spots on Google, up rank your competition and get easily found by your ideal customers, for months or years to come.

So don’t delay and get started with the above strategies today! It’s all about creating an accurate, consistent and cohesive experience for potential clients, which will help your Google ranking and, as a bonus, any other online marketing you do as well.


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